Have you ever watched someone who’s walked with Jesus for decades? I mean really watched them – how they respond to crisis, how they treat others, how they seem to hear God's voice so clearly?
I have. And I've always wondered: How did they get there?
These people weren’t born spiritual giants. They didn’t wake up one morning with perfect faith and flawless character. No, what I’ve discovered is something both simpler and more challenging: They built holy habits.
The Power of a Holy Habit
When I say, “holy habits” I am not talking about religious routines or spiritual check boxes. Holy habits are intentional practices that invite God in to shape your heart and transform your life over time.
Think about it this way: If you’ve ever tried to get in shape, you know it doesn’t happen with one workout. If you’ve ever learned a musical instrument, you know it doesn’t happen in one practice session.
So ... why would we expect our spiritual lives to be different?
“Train yourself for godliness,” Paul tells Timothy, “for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come” (1 Timothy 4:7-8).
Did you catch that word? Train.
That's what holy habits are about – training your spiritual muscles, developing your spiritual reflexes, tuning your spiritual ears to God’s still, small voice.
The Challenge We All Face
The problem is that most of us are pretty bad at habits.
We start strong. Maybe we commit to reading our Bible every morning or praying for 30 minutes a day. The first week goes great. The second week, we miss a day. By the third week, we’re wondering what happened to our commitment.
I know, because I’ve been there. More times than I’d like to admit.
But here’s what I've learned:
The problem isn’t our desire. The problem is our approach.
The Secret to Lasting Change
Want to know something fascinating? Research shows that it’s not motivation that creates lasting change – it’s systems. It’s not willpower – it’s habits.
This shouldn’t surprise us. God designed the universe to work through patterns and systems. Day follows night. Seasons follow seasons. Seeds grow into plants which produce more seeds.
Your spiritual life follows the same principle.
“And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another.” (2 Corinthians 3:18).
Notice the language: “being transformed” It’s a process. A journey. One degree at a time.
Starting Your Journey of Holy Habits
These are what I consider the three most-essential holy habits:
Spending time in God’s Word
Spending time in prayer
Spending time with God’s people
These three habits have endured for thousands of years. They catalyze our spiritual growth and act as anchors for our soul in every storm that comes our way.
The Holy Spirit desires to help us walk with Jesus for a lifetime. But he wants us to participate in the process. For that reason, we are invited to commit to a rhythm of life that positions us to hear from God and be transformed into the people He created us to be.
As you get started on this journey, I encourage you to do what I’ve done – to commit to and personalize these holy habits as a prayer to God:
God, because I love you,
I plan to spend the rest of my life
in your word, on my knees,
and with your people.
This journey isn't about perfection. It’s about direction.
Think of it like this: When a plane takes off from New York to Los Angeles, it’s actually off course about 90% of the time. But through constant small corrections, it reaches its destination.
Your spiritual journey works the same way.
So, just get started.
Small actions, repeated consistently, lead to massive transformation over time.
Remember: You won’t just be creating habits. You will be creating a life. A life that reflects Jesus more and more each day.
May God be with you as you do!
As you get started, I want to invite you to read Holy Habits for yourself. It’s a short, easy read and I created it with you in mind. I believe God will use it to transform the way you think about building a strong and enduring faith. You can order a copy today and read more about Holy Habits here https://bradjenkins.me/blog/holy-habits
*If this has been helpful, please send me a message and let me know at brad@bradjenkins.me. And please help me by sharing this post with others who could benefit from it. My writing aims to help people enjoy a vibrant relationship with Jesus, and it is an honor to be on this journey with you.
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