It is fascinating that the book of Genesis begins with a description of God’s activity. For six days, God created the heavens and the earth. God was incredibly productive over those six days. Our very existence, and that of everything humans have ever observed, is possible due to His work on that first week.

On the seventh day, God looked at all He had made and felt great joy in His work. He declared that it was good. Like any good craftsman or engineer, God did something worth doing and made something worth making.

On the sixth day, He made man in His image. He told them to be fruitful, fill the earth, and subdue it. They were empowered to rule over His creation as stewards who would care for and protect what He had made.

“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” Genesis 2:15

Sometimes I wonder if Christians have gotten confused about the subject of work. I totally agree with those who speak about the dangers of worshipping our work and neglecting our families. Those are serious concerns. But, in our effort to address these temptations, is it possible that we have undervalued that part of us that is like God when we work? Have we made work less spiritual than it actually is? Have we sought to avoid work in favor of something more comfortable? To all of these questions, I believe the answer is yes.

Biblically, work is inherently good. Work did not come as a result of sin, and God never intended us to see it as a distraction.

God gave work to humanity as a blessing - a way to bring purpose and meaning to our lives.

As a part of the “good” of God’s creation, work is one of the key ways we bear His image and follow his example.

I work because He worked. I am creative and productive because He is creative and productive. I am dedicated and responsible because He is dedicated and responsible.

You look like your heavenly Father whenever you are doing meaningful work. The Imago Dei of God’s image is reflected in you. When you work, you have the opportunity to magnify your creator. In that way, work isn’t just work. It is an opportunity to worship.

It might sound controversial, but you were created to work. It’s okay to own it.

Work is not the only reason you were created, but it is a vital part of the purpose of your existence. Apart from meaningful and productive work, you will endlessly struggle with purpose and happiness because you were meant to be productive for God’s glory.

Why is that? It’s because humans were never meant to be idle.

Something in the human spirit dies when it lacks a productive purpose.

We see this with people who are out of work for a long time and can’t find a job. This is especially true of people who retire and lack an appropriate way to be productive. They languish or deteriorate.

We all need a sufficient purpose to feel alive. We need an answer to some basic questions that can infuse our lives with meaning and energy:

  • How am I being productive with my time?

  • How am I helping the world?

  • How am I providing for others?

  • How am I growing God’s kingdom?

  • How am I reflecting God’s image through my work?

Your heavenly Father created you with an internal engine capable of meaningful work. Whatever season you are in, give yourself to it. Enjoy your work. Refuse to believe the lie that work is just a necessary evil. Instead, appreciate the work that you have as a gift from God. Thank God for it. And do it with all your heart.

If you will do these things, your life will never lack purpose. And that alone would be remarkable in our day and age.

*If this has been helpful, please send me a message and let me know. I would love to hear from you. And please share this post with others who could benefit. The entire goal of my writing is to help people enjoy a sincere and vibrant relationship with Jesus, and it is an honor to be on this journey with you. If you haven’t yet subscribed to receive weekly emails, please go to and subscribe today.


