I have been coached by Dave Kraft for the past 10+ years. He is a godly man, father, husband, pastor, and leadership coach. It is my honor this month to ask him several questions about leadership that I know will be a blessing to you and the people you work and serve alongside.

Brad: You have been a leadership coach to numerous Christian leaders over the past 20 years. If you could give one single piece of advice to a young leader getting started, what would that be?

Dave: Keep your identity in Jesus and grow in intimacy with Jesus. Make this the one foundation for everything you do.

Brad: No one wants to live a passionless life, but when you look around, it appears that many have lost a sense of fire. What is your advice to the person who has lost their way in life or leadership?

Dave: Revisit your calling, your God-given vision and your gifts. Make sure you are being true to who God made you to be and do. Don’t attempt to be like another leader whom you admire and respect. You have been uniquely created by God—be yourself everyone else is taken.

Brad: How do I know if my pace is too fast or too slow? And what do I do if it needs adjustment?

Dave: Capacity is very important. Some leaders have greater capacity than others. With His help, determine what your mental, emotional, physical and calendar capacity is and live joyfully within those. 

I love Michael Hyatts speaking of the leader’s week in terms of:

  • Back stage: Time to prep: Think, plan, write read and learn from others

  • Font stage: Time to do the actual work

  • Off stage: Not working at all—time for yourself and your family

I’m inclined to believe that  many leaders are trying to do too much and traveling too fast. Most of their weekly time is front stage with precious little time for back stage and off stage.  Their family often gets the left overs and there isn’t much left over. Divide your week into  Front, Back and Off stage by either hours or percentage of your 168 hours a week

Brad: Leaders make decisions. What advice can you give to the leader who feels paralyzed about a decision they need to make in the near future?

Dave: Leaders make decisions. That’s what leaders do. The more  responsibilities leaders have, the more may be riding on the decisions being made. Here's a link to a post on my website with some practical ideas on “Decision-Making” Decision Making

Brad: You have been following Jesus for many years, and I personally know that you are still passionate about Jesus and His kingdom now in your 80s. What essential habits or convictions have helped you make it this far?

Dave: Here is my best thinking on this topic:

  1. Making personal devotions a daily priority. Staying close to His heart.

  2. Setting reasonable goals in light of my behavior and leaving the results to Him. It was a wonderful day when I resigned as master of the universe. He is the Lord of the Harvest—I am not.

  3. Recognizing my limits and being willing to say no to requests or opportunities that would not be in line with my purpose, vision and calling or drive me beyond healthy limits 

  4. Keeping Jesus in the center of all I do. Here is one of my life verses on keeping Him in the center,“Loving the Lord your God, obeying his voice and holding fast to him, for he is your life and length of days.” ~ Deuteronomy 30:20 EVS. 

  5. My work is not my life. My achievements are not my life. Accolades and respect are not my life. He is my life (quality of life.) He is the length of my days (quantity of life.)

Brad: Dave, thank you for your life and example all of these years. You have been a blessing to me, and I am forever grateful for what God has allowed you to impart to me!

Dave Kraft Bio: Dave has been a Christian for 63 years. He served with The Navigators for 37 years.  He has also served in multiple local churches through the years in various pastoral roles. His God-given vision is to influence thousands of leaders in hundreds of churches all over the world, by helping them have biblically-based, Holy Spirit empowered, and Jesus honoring lives and ministries. He does this through blogging, writing, speaking and coaching. Coach Dave travels each year conducting seminars on two of his books, Leaders Who Last, and Mistakes Leaders Make, which can be purchased on Amazon. Dave lives in Capo Beach, California with his wife Susan. They have been married for 54 years. They have four children and seven grandchildren. You can find Dave Kraft at


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