Brad D. Jenkins

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2,000 years ago, Jesus promised to the early disciples,

“I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18

I love the local church.

I love the pastors who sacrifice week in and week out to help people love God and love people.

I love what the church can accomplish in the name of Jesus.

And I love that God has so graciously allowed me to be a part of His story.

I started preaching at 18 years old, church-planted at 26 years old (The Gathering Church; Tulsa, Ok), and pastored two churches through a merger that led to the birth of Anthem Church, of which I serve as lead pastor. By God’s grace, our church has impacted our city and beyond.

Don’t get me wrong, every church is imperfect. There are flaws. And every church is filled with flawed people. But the church is also incredible.

Throughout history, the church of Jesus Christ has started hospitals, universities, food pantries, and homeless shelters - all because of a man named Jesus and a love for people.

Despite its flaws, the church is fulfilling Jesus’ promise to push back darkness and offer hope like no other group of people the world has ever known.

Here at Anthem Church, we are focused on declaring the great story of Jesus, helping people to follow Him, and coming alongside our city in the name of Jesus.

I’m all in.