Brad D. Jenkins is the Lead Pastor of Anthem Church in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. He started preaching at 18, church planted at 27, and pastored two churches through a merger that has impacted the city of Tulsa and beyond. Most of all, Brad is deeply passionate about the local church and helping Christians to boldly follow Jesus. Brad is married to Christina and is Dad to Levi, Judah, Adlee, and Ezra. You can find Brad at, where he regularly writes about life, leadership, the Bible, and the Church.

Ministry Experience

  • 2016-Present Senior Pastor, Anthem Church, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

  • 2006-2016 Senior Pastor, The Gathering Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma

  • 2001-2006 Associate Pastor, Southern Hills Baptist Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma


  • 2002-2005 Master of Business Administration (MBA), Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma

  • 1998-2002 Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Literature, Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma



  • Author of Holy Habits: How to Walk with Jesus for a Lifetime

  • Author of How to Start the Year in Prayer & Fasting

  • More:

Unique Skills & Experience

  • Organizational Leadership: My experience with lead pastoring and overseeing a large budget and staff makes me aware of the many challenges and opportunities that churches and small businesses encounter as they seek to advance their mission.

  • Pastoral Leadership: I have a 20+ year track record of church health, growth (from 23 to over 1,000), leadership development, and mission advancement as a Senior Pastor.

  • Biblical Preaching: I have been preaching weekly for over 20 years and am surrounded by a strong teaching team at Anthem Church. I love the gospel of Jesus Christ and am passionate about making the Bible come alive for people.

  • Succession Planning: I succeeded Pastor Paul Taylor after he had served as the Senior Pastor of Liberty Church for 30 years. I know what succession requires and can balance honoring the past while simultaneously casting a clear vision for the future.

  • Church Planting & Church Mergers: I church planted at 27 years old and then a decade later pastored two churches through a merger that has impacted the city of Tulsa and beyond.

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